Our Story

I worked in the public sector for many years and have been involved in Christian youthwork and cross-community programmes. I have a passion to see young people achieve their God given purpose in life and live fulfilled and rewarding lives. I relish the chance to meet new people and learn about different cultures. Family and friendships are very important to me. Friendship evangelism brings amazing opportunities to befriend and mentor young folk.

As a young adult I benefitted from older and wiser believers sharing their time, experiences and lives with myself and other younger believers. I was also the beneficiary of fellowship and activity vacations under the tutelage of good Christian teachers.

Living through the troubles in Northern Ireland I realised the personal and family challenges folks face in our divided society. Also, of the grace and benefit of a living faith in Christ to overcome our doubts and fears.

I am married to Mary and together we have children and grandchildren, our adopted son John is from Thailand.

I have a vision that seeks to promote understanding by learning together within a faith context. Through Fun, Faith and Fellowship we can learn together how to live well.

I grew up in a Christian home, was a Girl Guide and became a Guide leader for many years in my church.
I was a Paediatric nurse for 47 years; it was a real privilege for me to be able help children and families at their most vulnerable.

I enjoy working with young people and their families and encouraging them in their faith.

I sing in a secular choir and with the singing group in my church and help on the catering team and with the Parent and Toddler group.

I’m married to Terry and have two older children, three grandchildren and our Thai son John.

November 2003 A Day to Remember! Whatever you want Lord!!

Mary and I were in our mid 40’s and wanting purpose for our lives. Frustrated, wanting to serve and not knowing where to turn … so we prayed Whatever you want Lord!!
Within weeks our lives were completely reorientated …

We accepted a ‘call’ to help disciple and grow faith in the lives of young people in Ireland (both North and South).

The hard work begins, building relationships, partnership working, finding our feet. Providing Christian holidays for young people that will inspire them, presenting at Churches, schools, and to individual families, anywhere. Initially under the auspices of the local YMCA, we facilitated holidays near England’s beautiful Lake District.

First activity holidays for teens and young people.

Local year programme developed.

Terry and Mary become regional Representatives for Capernwray Hall, a well-respected worldwide Christian teaching organisation. Our ministry operated under various names locally, most recently as Capernwray Ireland.

Junior leader mentoring programme introduced.

• Internship offered to Schools & Outreach Worker.
• First ‘Taster’ residential weekend in Northern Ireland.

Proposal for UK gap year Bible School students to teach English at a Christian school in Thailand, and assist in a local church.

Start of holiday placements sponsored by statutory agencies.

Actively Transforming Youth & Community (ATYC), a new company was created to develop sustainability & broaden the scope of the work by providing skills, finance & partnership opportunities.

Greek Sail Away, the first of 3 nautical sailing adventures in the Aegean for adults with the Kingfisher Project, Greece.

• ​Liaison with Cyprus and Middle East organisations with a view to developing
  cross-cultural activity and exchange holidays.
• Mens and Ladies teaching and activity holidays started??

• Befriending and mentoring programme for refugees started.
• We hosted a cultural tour in Dublin for participants from the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland

ATYC obtained charity status to facilitate and provide cross-community, cross-cultural, reconciliation and inter-generational work within a faith context.

• facilitated refugee / immigrant activity holidays
​• organised and financed Family Fun Days in areas of special need
​• sponsored visits and study in GB for overseas youth
​• holiday sponsorship programme introduced

Terry and Mary would love to hear from you if you are interested in finding out more about the work of Actively Transforming Youth & Community and how you can help

Actively Transforming Youth & Community
136 Shore Road
Ballyhalbert, Newtownards
Co. Down
BT22 1BJ
Mobile: 07803 219916
Email: mary@atyac.org
Actively Transforming Youth & Community is registered as a charity in Northern Ireland

Registered number: CCNI:0099103

ATYC is a recognised partner of Capernwray